Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Education Never Ceases.

If you are the type who thinks because you finally graduated college or got your masters that finally you can stop learning and start earning, well I have some news for you! The Richest People in the world have some interesting information that everyone in the world could benefit from. They all agree that just because they "made it" doesn't mean they stopped learning. Some of these people did not graduate college and look at the wealth they amassed, not just financially too. These people are blissfully happy. I know your saying you would be too if you had all their money. But that is far from true. Financial Freedom does relieve the stress and worry and at the end of the day you will sleep a little better knowing things are paid for and you're taken care of financially. But will it help you spiritually? How about with your health? How about your relationships? To varying degrees you can say yes. I challenge you to allow yourself to come up with a few ways money will not benefit your spirit, health, or relationships and you will notice my words are true. Now, with me...I learned that on going education is the best medication. Feed your mind with positive books and watch the world around you change. May I suggest a great book for you...The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz. Great Book! One Page a day will shift your mind into that of positivity. Don't believe me? Its 150+ pages...Try it. Wake up, read one page and notice your mind shift as the days pass. When you read one page and have to know whats on the next page and you find yourself continuing past one page, understand that thats your minds way of saying "this is the stuff I want you to put in here." It accepts the negative stuff you feed it but it would much rather be subjected to positive words. Watch after you read it, you will feel much better. Then You will want to learn more and more about all different types of positive information that can help you and you will attract that information to you easier. It doesn't stop there, Just like Bill Gates didn't stop when he created Windows. He corrected errors, made it easier to use and that is why he could sell the next generation model. We see this in all businesses. They produce a product then get feedback and fix it and sell a newer product and people buy it. Your life is no different. Learn new information, apply it, edit it, reapply, reedit, etc...you get the picture. Always be willing to learn new information. It came into your life for a reason.

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